Situations that Can Lead to Bad Breath
Waking Up – Waking up in the morning with bad breath generally happens because there is food leftover from the evening. In this case, it is best to make sure you thoroughly brush, floss and mouthwash before bed.
After Eating – Many people experience halitosis after eating certain food. Onions, garlic and spicy foods tend to induce foul breath. An easy remedy for this is brushing after eating. If you are out, a good alternative is BreathGemz Breath Pills.
After Smoking – Smoking causes halitosis in the short and long term. In the short term, it will give you a smoky breath. Smoking also dries out your mouth, which causes bacteria growth. The tar, nicotine and chemicals create an unpleasant environment for your mouth. Quit smoking. If that’s not an option, you’ll have to work extra hard with brushing, flossing, mouthwash, breath mints, dentist visits, etc.
Working Out – When working out, your body needs additional water to keep your cells hydrated. The dehydration causes dry mouth, which causes halitosis. An easy fix is to just drink plenty of water before, during and after your exercise.
Sinus Infection – Perhaps you have frequent sinus infections or sinusitis. This leads to halitosis because the mucus is not circulating properly in the nasal cavity. We recommend using a nasal irrigation system and medium warm salt water or saline solution intended for nasal irrigation to relieve the problems of sinus issues.
After a Night Out – Alcohol is another substance that really dries out your mouth. If you don’t get around to brushing your teeth and drinking some water before bed, your breath may be pretty stinky in the morning. What we recommend is just that: drink water, brush, floss and mouthwash before falling asleep.
Long Periods of Not Talking – If you are working or relaxing and not talking too much, you may notice your breath worsen. This is likely due to the slowed saliva production. If this is the case, we recommend rinsing your breath or drinking some water.
There are a number of cases where bad breath is chronic, and not situational. It can be related to a more serious, underlying issue. If you feel that your halitosis isn’t helped by some of these easy remedies, we recommend you consult a bad breath specialist.
About the Author: Dr. Dailley is a practicing dentist who specializes in finding bad breath solutions. Operating a bad breath clinic in the bay area, Dr. Dailley can help you eliminate halitosis. He has a 99% success rate. His online store also has a variety of bad breath treatment kits that can have you feeling fresher and more confident fast.