Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chronic Sinusitis & Bad Breath

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, you are probably acutely aware of the many of the uncomfortable sinusitis symptoms. Many sinusitis sufferers experience sinus pain behind the eyes, as well as the cheeks, forehead and temples due to inflammation in the sinus cavities. Sinus pressure can result in full-blown headaches and even, strangely enough, toothaches. Many individuals also experience stuffy nose, yellow-green post nasal drip and a chronic or intermittent cough that often produces unpleasant mucous. Full-blown bacterial infection in the sinuses can result in fever.

A lesser known secondary symptom of sinusitis is chronic halitosis. Unfortunately, many people fail to make the connection between their sinus issues and their bad breath, but to the medical community the correlation is clear. With sinusitis, mucous travels down the back on the throat, leaving a white or yellowish film on the back of the tongue. This biofilm is not only an ideal environment for bad-breath causing bacteria, but it actually serves as a protective coating for that bacteria, making treatment especially difficult.

So how do you deal with these bacteria? That all depends on your specific situation. For individuals with very light morning post nasal drainage, a thorough tongue scrapping once a day is sufficient. In reality, however, this is rare. Most individuals experience consistent post nasal drainage throughout the day, and a tongue scrapper can only ward off halitosis for 2 to 4 hours at a time. In these instances, a better defense is draining the sinuses entirely. You can accomplish this with an effective nasal irrigation system or a trip to an ear/nose/throat specialist. In some cases antibiotics may be appropriate.

If you have tried at-home bad breath treatments, but your chronic bad breath persists, you best course of action is visiting a bad breath doctor at a specialty halitosis clinic. In many cases your halitosis is the result of several interconnected biological factors that are difficult to diagnose or treat properly without the expertise. The Center for Breath Treatment is the leader in this field. Request an appointment to cure your bad breath problem by calling 1-888-373-7403. If you cannot make it to the bay area, I am happy to provide free phone consultations as well.

About the Author: Dr. Anthony Dailley has been practicing dentistry since 1981 and specializes in bad breath solutions. He has a degree in Cell & Molecular Biology from San Francisco State University and a dental degree from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. Dr Dailley founded the Center for Breath Treatment, a speciality bad breath clinic located in the bay area. He also currently conducts research on cures for chronic bad breath at the California Pacific Lab facility in Novato California. Dr. Dailley is also one of the founders and also on the board of directors of NovaBay Pharmaceuticals which is a publicly held biopharmaceutical company.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tips for Treating Bad Breath

According to the American Dental Association somewhere between 35 and 45 percent of the population suffers from chronic halitosis. Bad breath can be a social obstacle and a source of anxiety. Gum and mouth washes only temporarily mask the problem. Halitosis is a persistent condition and always returns to create discomfort, shame and embarrassment.

There are a number of biological factors that may be contributing to your bad breath condition. The best strategic approach for treating chronic halitosis is visiting a specialist at a dedicated bad breath clinic. Only a specialist will be able to provide an accurate diagnosis as to the causes of your condition and an accurate diagnosis will allow you to determine which treatments will be most effective. (Be sure to choose a specialist that does not peddle their own brand of products! You want to find someone you can trust to honestly recommend treatments without any underlying conflicts of interest.)

If you cannot visit a specialist, the following are the best bad breath treatments available to you at home.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Do not brush more than three times a day as it can damage your teeth and increase halitosis symptoms.
  • If you wear dentures, be sure to soak them every night in a denture cleanser and brush all the areas of your mouth that come in contact with your dentures.
  • Use a tongue scrapper or brush your tongue – especially towards the back– every morning.
  • Floss every day. Better yet, use a Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator. These devices pulse ionized water molecules through the teeth creating a hostile environment for anaerobic bacteria.
  • Use a non alcohol mouth wash that contains chlorine dioxide. (Alcohol based mouthwashes will actually make halitosis worse!) Not all chlorine dioxide formulations are the same nor are they all equally as effective.
  • Have your teeth cleaned professionally every 6 months.
  • If you suffer from allergies or have sinus issues, your sinuses may be contributing to your bad breath problem. In these cases, a nasal irrigation system can help flush out mucus and bacteria.
  • If you suffer from xerostomia (aka dry mouth), a common side effect of medications, consider investing in products specifically formulated to relieve dry mouth such as saliva stimulating tablets, lozenges and sprays.

Still suffering from halitosis? Request an appointment to cure your bad breath problem by calling 1-888-373-7403. I am happy to provide free phone consultations as well.

About the Author: Dr. Anthony Dailley has been practicing dentistry since 1981 and specializes in bad breath treatment . He has a degree in Cell & Molecular Biology from San Francisco State University and a dental degree from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. Dr Dailley founded the Center for Breath Treatment in the bay area and currently conducts research on curing halitosis at the California Pacific Lab facility in Novato California.